Preschool in the Woods
Theater for TK - 12 Students
Improv and Games for Office Teams
Core Values
I believe that children are inherently curious, compassionate, discovery-oriented beings, and that we must work to make learning spaces that encourage their innate abilities, and that allow them to keep trusting and following those instincts of love and inquiry as they grow. I aim to make space for the big questions my students ask, and to put their inquiry ahead of my own agenda. I believe education is as much about relational learning as it is about the content of any course, and that through engagement with the material, we will encounter opportunities to further develop as humans.
Questions I’m asking right now
How can I act as a non-oppressive facilitator of collaborative projects? By which I mean: how can I offer both structure and space, that we might maximize both individual freedom and our ability to unify around shared values and goals.
“A child is comprehensive. She wants to understand the whole thing…Universe.”
-Buckminster Fuller
…More Bucky on Education:
Adults are often busy. They don’t answer the child’s questions. And then the child goes to school and the teacher sys, “First you’re going to learn A, B, C.” The child still wants to understand UNIVERSE and has big questions, and the teacher says, “Never mind that…you learn the parts first…A, B, C…” Then the child goes to college and never does get back to the whole.
…Children will draw pictures with everything in them…houses and trees and people and animals…and the sun AND the moon. Grown-up says, “That’s a nice picture, Honey, but you put the moon and the sun in the sky at the same time and that isn’t right.” But the child is right! The sun and the moon are in the sky at the same time!”
Download my teaching resume here.